For customers who do not want to be condemned to confined spaces and prefer to sip their coffee or eat their food in an oxygen rich environment regardless of seasonal conditions, the cafe umbrella is a life saver if the conditions of the enterprise are appropriate. These products allow customers to spend time in the café without being affected by rainfall or scorching sunshine. Moreover, these products include solutions developed for lighting or heating problems, which not only prevent the café's usage area from shrinking due to seasonal restrictions, but also provide freedom of use for different hours of the day.

Cafe Umbrella Special Offers

The characteristic of the area where the businesses serve is also decisive about the cafe umbrella solutions they can use. Details such as the size of the space, its decoration, whether it serves as a garden or terrace, or whether it is located by a pool, provide guidance on both the size and the model and design of the umbrellas that can be used in the café. At this point, you can choose to use small umbrellas specific to each table in relation to your business approach, or you can choose from our large umbrellas that cover multiple tables and even mega.

You can provide a comfortable use with wheeled models that can easily be moved. If the use of umbrellas is practical, it is also important to decide how to open and close your umbrella. The opening and closing process can be done easily and the tables and chairs under the umbrella do not need to be moved during this time, the models make it easy for you to make the necessary arrangements without disturbing your customers while they are in the cafe.

Cafe Umbrella Istanbul

Since 1954, our company has continued to provide services to our country in the field of umbrella production and export products to foreign countries through our company in the field of cafe umbrellas in the field of business and customer satisfaction solutions are aimed at developing solutions. Since it can be produced with a rich color option, our umbrellas can be considered as a part of the decoration by having a functional role in the cafe. It is possible to create a more decorative and aesthetic area in the enterprise by evaluating different designs such as square or rectangular in umbrella types. In addition, the umbrellas used in open areas such as terraces and gardens keep the unwanted effects of the summer sun away and provide effective protection against wind and rain when the sides are closed in winter.

The chimney models, which are among the most preferred umbrellas by cafes, have the feature of providing air evacuation in windy weather and removing cigarette smoke. For those who do not like to cover more space in the space than necessary and affect a large area and many people during opening and closing, we have a side body umbrella model. Movable side umbrellas can be used without having to be positioned in the center of the space. This model, which we offer alternatives in color and size, stands out with its functional features. Since it can rotate around its own axis, this umbrella can be used in any direction and you can angle it with the help of an apparatus on the body and adjust its position according to the state of the sun.

Not having to lift tables and chairs while using the umbrella saves time and effort in the enterprise and at the same time ensures that comfort is increased without disturbing the customer. The telescopic umbrella of our company is remarkable for providing these facilities. Note that there is a difference in length between open and closed in this model, which can be folded open and free from table chair movement..